Bath Repair

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    • #280129
      Avatar photoJeffrey Neu

        I have a cast iron PINK (i know) bath and i have chipped it. Is there anything apart from silicone that can repair the chip? if so could you tell me the brand/name of the product. I cant afford a new bath at the moment.

        Thank You

      • #302344
        Avatar photojoeread

          The bath has now got a drip coming from the chip, is there anything that can block the drip up??

        • #302347
          Avatar photoscotbyallen28

            No Silicon will be the best option to repair the chip. Go for it. I myself make its use once.

          • #302351
            Avatar photosmith46

              The repairing of light color bath like iron pink should be very careful. The use of silicon can be made but with lot of care. smith462013-05-27 16:50:49

            • #302412
              Avatar photophoneaplumber

                Silicon will be the best option for you to repair the chip. You can also concern with your local professional Plumber.phoneaplumber 2013-09-02 19:38:06

              • #302417
                Avatar photoabelwilliams1

                  As per my knowledge there is no better thing then silicon to repair your bath chip but i suggest you to consult any professional Plumbing company like Plumber Miramar so that you can get good advice from them.

                • #302436
                  Avatar photoJamesbondy

                    I agree with phoneaplumber on Silicon matters. I think Silicon will be the best option to repair the chip.Jamesbondy 2013-08-31 16:29:45

                  • #302439
                    Avatar photophoneaplumber

                      Contact with your best and reliable local plumber and discuss with him regarding this problem.

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