Wow you got away CHEAP, Who was the clown who under charged you?
Dang ILL sub contract all my drain cleaning to him/her.
Now hear this mate MY large water Jetter cost over $17,000 and I never EVER would charge less then $325 per half HR of its use.
My COLOR Video inspection system and locator cost in excess of $9,000 AGAIN I charge slightly over $500 PER HR for this equipment.
My electric Eel with all the goodies needed to do a complete job also cost in excess of $4,300
My van to tote this equipment around cost $32,000
Someone HAS TO PAY FOR THIS State of the art equipment.
My lowest salary out in the field employee gets over $30 per HR in the envelope NOT including benefits.
My insurance cost me out of pocket $800 + per WEEK.
My office space cost me $2,200 per MONTH.
My office staff of one $1,500 per 40 HR work week NOT including benefits
You think this doesnt add up?
Never trust a government that does Not trust its citizens.