quoting rates

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  • This topic has 15 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 21 years ago by Avatar photoRetired plbg1.
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    • #279589
      Avatar photoAnonymous

        Just a quick question,
        I know master plumbers recommends a rate of between $43 and $58 an hr, but what rates are we realy quoting at??

        Im in Brisbane and work on about $38hr, should I be higher, or am I too high.

        The reason is that a new builder i have gained thinks im high, as he was getting a bloke for $20hr, BUT you get what you pay for


      • #301250
        Avatar photoSylvanLMP

          As a Master plumber I charge several different rates. For example when I work as an “expert witness” for various law firms I charge $145 per (hr min 4 hours)

          When I do roof drain installations I normally average $225 per hr per man ( me and a helper)

          When I do minor repairs like changing a washer I charge $85 per hr or any part there of
          I am now figuring a new one family home and basing my rate @$125 per hr per man.

          Tell this builder bloke HE charges WAY to much for houses as you know in America An Ex president (Carter) works for FREE and you think this is the right price for a general contractor. Being a REAL Master Plumber means lots and lots of past schooling and even more schooling to keep abreast of all the code changes. I just gave a price to install 5 roof drains for $1050 ea The roofer asked if I could give him a better price if HE guaranteed I could install all 5 in one 6 hour day ( total material cost me $750 total labor $200) I settled for $900 ea. This contractor thanked me as I can offer him peace of mind in giving him quality in workmanship and quality in my cast Iron drains. You must find your own worth and also figure your own bottom line.

          Everyone has different expenses and has to know what they consider their own personal worth. My lowest is $85 per HR now matter what I do even if I just plunger/auger a toilet

          My high I havnt reached yet :-)

          Good luck and NEVER sell yourself short


        • #301251
          Avatar photobungie


            so, whats the average weekly wage there ???

            I average about $228 a day, 6hrs $38. 5 days a week. equals $1140 a week, as a contractor
            Weekly wages as a plumber would be about $650 gross

            Your rates (US$125) converted to AU$ means you earn about AU$6365 a week (US$3750). I must admit this seems bloody high, in a country where there is no minimum wage, and there are people who work just for tips.

            Ok, look at it slightly differnt, what are the rates of pay there ??
            Im not having a go at you, but you see where im coming from when you look at the figures

          • #301252
            Avatar photoSylvanLMP

              Hey Bungie

              Ok Mate every country has someone who will work practically for free (tips) America is no different We have bloody blokes here from every country imagable working for less than any min wages. I normally charge $1,200- $1,500 per fixture installation in new construction Now one General contractor told me he has some folks fromXX willing to do Em for less that $600 EA. Hey more power to em.

              The same with sewer rodding. I charge for the 1/2″-3/4″ snake $125 min YET I know of blokes who will still wotk at $35 so a lot of times I hire these bloody idiots and pay them their price and still charge my $125.

              One of my employees came from Ireland and asked for $19 per hr and I gave it to him YET I have another bloke who gets $45 per hr.

              It all depends on skill level and attitude.

              My monthly income can vary with one mechanic from a gross of over $46,000 per month and my low every April (Tax time ) hovers around $12,000.

              I am in the process now of starting up another mechanical corporation as I have several Master Licenses that I yet to use in plumbing and fire supression systems. But this time all the folks are going to be “partners” and not employees. They will be working on commissions and profit sharing.

              We had great success this winter quoting $225 per hr for work performed on Sunday and people actually liked the idea rather than taking time off from work during the week. I honestly do not think there is a upper limit to how much a REAL plumber/Drainer/ Gas Fitter can charge.

              We have doctors from other countries who settle what ever the insurance allows YET I know of many doctors who not only accept insurance payments BUT get upwards of $500 just for consulation.

              My insurance is over $37,000 per year so not everything is easy money. not including other big expenses. that is why we have to chsrge more as we are a professional company. Good luck Mate and down play the game of trying to come in too low just to keep busy PUSH the quality aspect of our professions. Have a great one. Syl


            • #301253
              Avatar photoTheLocalPlumber

                Bullshit, What others charge is a crock.
                You need to know what your costs are to get at what you should charge.
                General Contractors are real good at telling the trades what they should charge or that they can get somebody cheaper. Let them and as a rule do not depend on others to feed you.
                Our pricing comes from many costs that we as a professional Plumbing Contractor must charge to make a profit.
                All Overhead, Telephones, Insurance, Commercial auto and Liability, workmens comp., payroll taxes, shop rent, tools, fuel, truck expense and payments, medical insurance, profit sharing plan, cell phones, uniforms, office help,non-billable hours that you pay, your salary, all of this and more have to come from the hourly billable charge you charge your clients.
                Add to that what you pay your Plumber, around $25.00 an hour, and then add for profit, we like to use 20%.
                How in the hell is this number below $100.00 each and every billable hour? Ours is currently at $130.00.
                So when I see something like your question, It is no wonder plumbing companies are here today gone tomorrow.
                We are a flat rate company, which means we give a flat price for each job. I would never want a job that did not make me a profit.
                I enjoy working for a profit.
                Know what your costs are. Go to MaxRohr.com and click on,”numbers crunchers” demo. Then buy it, and use it every day.
                Good Luck.

              • #301254
                Avatar photoGuest

                  Can I have some feedback on the average plumbing and drainage costs.I am having a problem with an owner builder who claims that I have over charged him.
                  My hourly rate is
                  $45.00 per hour.
                  The house is 2 storey cavity brick with:
                  (a)one kitchen, one upper floor basin, WC pan, shower and seperate Floor waste.
                  (b)one laundry with one tub, one washing machine and floor waste gully.
                  (c)one lower floor bathroom with spa bath, one shower, one basin, one WC pan and floor waste gully.
                  (d)One hot water heater.
                  (e)two yard hose cocks
                  There are two stacks in PVC, vented through roof with flashing.
                  Hot and cold water in copper.
                  There is about 15 meters of drainage in PVC.
                  I have got the job to fit out stage. i.e. completed except for fitting of pans, cisterns, basins, sink and tub.
                  AlthoughI have installed and connected the spa bath to allow for wall andd floor tiling.
                  My work so far has been approved by Sydney water Inspector.
                  There is no road service for water or sewer as I have connected to existing points located within the property.
                  No stormwater drainage by me.
                  I have supplied all materials except PC items (pans,cisterns etc.)
                  I have set out for slab penetrations, chased brick walls, excavated for drainage and water and back-filled using blue metal (owner supplied)
                  Please feed back your estimated costs.
                  You can contact me on:
                  Email: [email protected]
                  Thanking you in anticipation.

                • #301255
                  Avatar photoGuest

                    how long is a piece of string?
                    charge what you need to make the living standard that fits you
                    If i had a builder that wanted me to work for $20 hr i would work at half pace

                  • #301256
                    Avatar photoDamo


                      Where are you based in Brisbane. I am in Milton.

                      By the way, I wont be in Australia for long.

                      Sylvan and The Local Plumber have convinced me there is a better life in the US.

                      Only joking. No offence to Sylvan and TLP, but the rates they quote in the US unfortunately would not secure us any work in downtown Brisbane. Sydney, maybe a different story.

                      Bungie, In answer to your question, on commercial projects in Brisbane, I try to get away with $45.00 per hour, though usually get $42.00.

                      Sylvan, before you go off at me, I have done my maths on my charge out rate. In Sydney, I would probably add $40.00. Yes Sylvan, I would be in Sydney long ago, only I got married!



                    • #301257
                      Avatar photobungie


                        Im in Kenmore.

                        At present our rates are :-

                        First hour on site $58 + GST
                        Hourly rate for maintenance $45 + GST
                        On going construction work $38 + GST.

                        Yours ???



                        All advice is given with-out seeing the job, and hence all advice MUST be taken as advice with limited knowledge on the exact situation. NO responsibility can or will be taken. And yes, I am a licensed Plumber and Drainer with my own business in Brisbane Australia

                      • #301258
                        Avatar photoRobert Stephen Morton

                          Bungie is that you? I thaught you had retired, we work on $42.00/hr $50.00 callout, & quote on $42.00.
                          However I have calculated the cost’s & should be on $60.00/hr, we have to work to the local economy though.
                          Do you need the Builder? does he have positive input to your bussiness or does he stuff you around?

                        • #301259
                          Avatar photobungie


                            Im still kicking around, but lots of things to do

                            The builder that gets that rate is a good payer, chases me for invoices.

                            I quote using $40 – $42 hr, cost of materials then 15% profit then GST.

                            Master plumbers recommend we should be charging $52 – $60 hr, but lets see you get it and keep your customers


                            ( bob the plumber LOL )


                            All advice is given with-out seeing the job, and hence all advice MUST be taken as advice with limited knowledge on the exact situation. NO responsibility can or will be taken. And yes, I am a licensed Plumber and Drainer with my own business in Brisbane Australia

                          • #301260
                            Avatar photoRobert Stephen Morton

                              Bungie. I thaught all you city people got squillions, it seems you are as poorly paid as youy country cousins.

                            • #301261
                              Avatar photobungie


                                Brisbane aint a big city …… its Bowen with a glandular problem

                              • #301262
                                Avatar photomasterplumber_bpd

                                  i guess a lot of this depends on weather you are a big or small company…my grandpa got me into bidding the work by the job. If you know anything at all about what you are doing, then you will have a good idea how long its going to take you to do the job. Tell the dude up front what its going to cost him. Totally cover yourself on money, but dont kill em. Let the coustomer know that you will do a quality job and you will stand behind your work. always remember…shit runs downhill, pay day is friday.

                                • #301263
                                  Avatar photosteve_g

                                    Just want to mention that I once got a pretty nice hotel room in the Phillipines for $10/night. Another time I got a nice room in Tokyo for $300/night. There are different economies, different supply/demand situations, etc. from place to place.

                                    I’m in San Francisco and shoot for a straight $90/hr.

                                    -Steve G

                                  • #301264
                                    Avatar photoRetired plbg1

                                      I am Retired and if somebody wants me to fix there Plbg. I charge $55.00 an hr. plus Mat.

                                      Art retired plbg

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