Checking the condition of a septic system

Home Forums Public Forums Drainage & Sewerage Checking the condition of a septic system

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    • #279351
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        We are in the process of purchasing a 2 acre lot for a doublewide. This lot is a forclosure that already has a septic system. How can we find out what kind of system, what size it is and what repairs might be needed? Since it was a bank forclosure, they do not have any of this information. We have been asked if it is an aerobic?? tank. I have no idea what that is. What should we look for to tell?

        Any information would be greatly appreciated!!

      • #300608
        Avatar photoJohn Aldrich1


          Call the local on-site sewage treatment system regulatory agency in your area. If the original owners obtained a permit for the system, the permit will describe the type of system originally proposed, and if the inspector signed the final inspection line on the permit, then there is a good chance that system was installed as originally proposed.

          To determine the suitability of the system to adequately treat the expected sewage flow, contact a local septic system service company and request an inspection of the system, and a report of the system condition.

          John Aldrich (Septic Tank Yank)
          Septic System Consultant
          Timnath, Colorado USA

          » This message has been edited by John Aldrich on 20 November 2003

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