Toliet eruption

Home Forums Public Forums Drainage & Sewerage Toliet eruption

  • This topic has 6 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 22 years ago by Avatar photoRepublic.
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    • #279139
      Avatar photobrian jones

        Help! What would cause a toliet on the third floor of a condo to erupt 3 feet in the air? We have it on video it’s no joke. Since then we have not been able to recreate the same event. Another owner on the second floor has told us that their toliet has bubbled up and over occasionally, but not to this degree. We have mold behind the toliet on the nails in the baseboard. The association for the condo hired a plumber to see if anything was wrong with the plumbing to cause this event and the plumber didn’t see anything. We have mold growing everywhere now and the insurance has investigators out but no-one knows what is causing the mold or the toliet problem as they also have not been able to recreate the toliet erupting. Anyone have any ideas?

      • #300110
        Avatar photoRetired plbg1

          Sometimes a strong wind will do that.

        • #300111
          Avatar photoracefanone

            Say what? In other words ,never use your toilet on a windy day

          • #300112
            Avatar photobozo

              Retired plbg,explain your reply to me,You got to be joking,right?

            • #300113
              Avatar photoRetired plbg1

                No I am not. But it is surprizeing to hear that. The only other thing i can say would have to do with the vent. But if it only happened once well what can I say. I saw water rasing in a bowl up and down on a windy day if wind is comming just right.

              • #300114
                Avatar photolcarney

                  If it erupted with that much force, I would look to the sewer system. Have you contacted the local public works dept to see if they have any ideas?

                  I have heard of toilet ‘fountains’ being created when the DPW was using a high pressure jet to clean the sewer, and the home had inadequate venting.

                  If you are on the 3rd floor, it seems unlikely that a random backup would create that much hydraulic force.

                  Good luck!

                • #300115
                  Avatar photoRepublic

                    Is there another toilet or drain fixture opposite to the one that erupted? Back-to-back?

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