More on Boning Rods

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 22 years ago by Avatar photoaquaticau.
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    • #279097
      Avatar photoBernard Voith

        Thank you mr Racenafone. How are the string lines attached to the Boning rods to get grade?
        How often should they be used? There are different colours, is there any particular use for the colours?
        ARGUS TUFT

      • #300042
        Avatar photoracefanone

          I do not know.I think they are used mainly in construction,like road work landscaping etc.Enlighten me.

        • #300043
          Avatar photoaquaticau

            Why worry about Boning Rods?
            Use a Laser.

            OK, if you want to perform drainage like you are from some third world country, this is what you do.

            Determine how much fall you want from A to B. Now you may not be aware, but water runs downhill, so make A the top end of the drain and B the bottom end of the drain. (assuming a straight run, otherwise I would suggest you do this for each section!)

            Now in all civilised countries we use metric so if that’s beyond you, stiff.

            Now lets suppose you want A to be 600 deep and B to be 1200 deep and your boning rod is 1800 tall.

            Put a stake beside where the trench is going to be, AT BOTH ENDS.

            At A tie a fluresent yellow string line 1200 above the ground. Pull it REAL tight,(with you being a Scott, I presume I don’t have to explain “Tight” to you) because we don’t want any sags, and tie the other end at B 600 above the ground. NOW considering that with this techklowedg you can’t use machinery, start hand digging using your “T” shaped Boning Rod as a depth gauge to ensure that the trench bottom is 1800 below the string line.

            Any more questions, ask Sylvan.

            » This message has been edited by aquaticau on 03 September 2002

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