size of pipe

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    • #279043
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        Please tell me what size of pipe we have coming up through the concrete in the building where I work. Imeasured it with a piece of string and got about 17″ around the pipe.We need to settle a dispute.

      • #299886
        Avatar photoSylvanLMP

          In reply to message posted by Swabbie:
          Please tell me what size of pipe we have coming up through the concrete in the building where I work. Imeasured it with a piece of string and got about 17″ around the pipe.We need to settle a dispute.

          a 4″ would be around 12.56

          Should be 5″ which would be 15.70 Circumference

          a 6″ pipe would be around 18.85


        • #299887
          Avatar photoGuest

            racefanone,thanks for the were right it is 4″ cast iron.We had a plumber come out.thanks for the reply.My measurement Of 17″ was a little off. To the other guy you are wrong but thanks

          • #299888
            Avatar photofourth year

              He was correct for the information you gave, you just gave bad data. We can only work from the information we are given. In the computer business it is known as “GIGO”. Garbage In, Garbage Out.

            • #299889
              Avatar photofourth year

                I hit the wrong button too soon. Anyway he was almost correct since he gave the measurements for the inside of the pipe and you probably wrapped the string around the outside. 4″ should be about 13 3/4″ depending on the wall thickness

              • #299890
                Avatar photoSylvanLMP

                  In reply to message posted by swabbie:
                  racefanone,thanks for the were right it is 4″ cast iron.We had a plumber come out.thanks for the reply.My measurement Of 17″ was a little off. To the other guy you are wrong but thanks

                  Not a problem wont be the first time or the last.

                  I’m Still learning everyday BT2

                  I just took the measurements out of the cast Iron soil pipe hand book, So I guess they also made a mis print things happen.


                • #299891
                  Avatar photoGuest

                    It is 4″cast iron water main,good grief Last time I post an this site.

                  • #299892
                    Avatar photofourth year

                      Since pipe is always named by the inside diameter, the wall thickness affects the external diameter and thus the circumference. You did not mention that it was a piece of water main which has thick walls and thus a larger circumference than soil pipe. Again, without proper input our answers cannot be correct. But come back anytime.

                    • #299893
                      Avatar photoRobert Stephen Morton

                        Swabbie. I too would be guilty of believing that you were talking about Soil pipes, as:
                        the question was posted on the Drainage section. The pipe emanated from the floor. Please forgive our jumping to conclusions, we should ask more questions before answering.

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