How to remove a tub drain stopper?

Home Forums Public Forums Drainage & Sewerage How to remove a tub drain stopper?

  • This topic has 5 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 23 years ago by Avatar photoSylvanLMP.
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    • #278785
      Avatar photoAnonymous

        I have a tub with metal stopper that is somehow secured into the bottom of the tub. I have tied to turn it, lift and turn it, etc. but can’t seem to get the stopper out. There is no linkage, just a stopper. Thinking the thread was stripped, I tried my other tub but it is the same – turn and turn and nothing happens.

        This is the type of drain stopper which is not controlled by any kind of linkage. It issimpy pulled “up” to b open or pushed “down” to be closed. My drain is very slow and I need to get the stopper out so I can properly clean my drain. Tried all sorts of liquid drain openers to no avail. Still slow to drain.

      • #299292
        Avatar photoGuest

          First unscrew the knob you open the drain with, from the stopper. Then you will find the post inside it that you unscrew to remove the stopper.

        • #299293
          Avatar photomaninmaui


            Originally posted by fourth year:
            First unscrew the knob you open the drain with, from the stopper. Then you will find the post inside it that you unscrew to remove the stopper.

            Thank you very much. Can’t believe it would be that easy but it was. Boy, do I fee foolish!

          • #299294
            Avatar photofourth year

              I would rather that you asked and felt foolish, than to start working on the drain with all the tools in your toolbox and wind up with a major job. I have had many customers turn 1 minute jobs into nightmares.

            • #299295
              Avatar photoClaire

                I have a similiar problem. However, no matter how much I turn the stem, it will not come out.
                Can someone point me in the right direction?

              • #299296
                Avatar photoSylvanLMP


                  Originally posted by Claire:
                  I have a similiar problem. However, no matter how much I turn the stem, it will not come out.
                  Can someone point me in the right direction?


                  HIRE maninmaui

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