pickleboat, I am not aware of the product that you have tried to describe. In any event, before you purchase any alternative leach field material, check with the local septic system regulatory agency to be sure that it is approved for use in your jurisdiction.
Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. markets a gravelless leach field tubing which consists of an 8 inch, or 10 inch, perforated polyethylene plastic culvert, wrapped with a geotextile fabric called “DrainGuard”. This product called SB*2, is approved for use in most Counties in Colorado, but not all.
If installed properly, SB*2 is an excellent alternative to a pipe and rock, trench type leach field. The keys to a successful SB*2 installation, are to provide for alternating leach fields, install an adequate length of trench for the soil conditions on the site, and provide enough material for the expected maximum daily flow of sewage effluent. If you require more information regarding this product, send me an e-mail message at [email protected]. JWA