cutting joists

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    • #278743
      Avatar photoAnonymous

        Can I drill a 3 1/2″ hole in a double 2×10 floor joist? I live in southern new jersey

      • #299218
        Avatar photoSylvanLMP

          HELL NO but then again in NJ almost anything is legal.

          It seems once you cross the George Washington Bridge anything is possible.

          Seriously this question needs to be answered by the local building inspector IN WRITING.

          If you dont mind a question WHY go through this obstruction?

          Are they planning a finished basement?

        • #299219
          Avatar photofourth year

            I guess George Washington bridge is the boundary between the two parts of the United States. Those two parts being NYC and area of the aborigines. At least that is how NYC people seem to consider anyone who is not them.

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