Under Slab Plumbing

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  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 24 years ago by Avatar photoSylvanLMP.
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    • #278649
      Avatar photoAnonymous

        I recently had a plummer replace 118 ft of iron pipe with pvc which involved tunneling under the slab and removing almost 12 loads of clay. When he finished he had a crew begin to return the clay under the slab. When I returned from work I noticed about 8 loads left over. Is this common? Or should they have workedensure the majority of the clay was returned? I am worried about the integrity of my slab especially living in New Orleans where we loose ground everyday. Also I have noticed that some plummers pump wet sand under the slab after this type of work. Is one more adventageous than the other? I was told by my plummer not to be fooled about pumping sand as being a more viable option. Thank you…Scott.

      • #298974
        Avatar photoSylvanLMP

          The use of wet sand is to fill any voids that maybe present.

          A lot of times when a hole is dug you cannot put back the same amount of soil as before as the existing was compacted.

          Now for a point of information
          A lot of areas require compacting of all new soil to make sure there are no cave ins at a later date.

          These compacting laws came about from the numerous cave in on city streets after water main or sewer work was performed.

          As long as clean fill was placed under the new piping OR A firm bed rock free and tampered to grade in 6″ layers above the crown of this pipe you should be in good shape. Ah The Joys of Plumbing

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