main sewer pitch

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    • #278586
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers


        I just had my main sewer excavated from the house to the tee by the sidewalk (38ft). The tee was also replaced. This is what the plumber wrote on the invoice he left me. “Proper pitch on the new line was not able to be obtained. The line is flat. Backfill under and around pipe was w/57 limestone.”

        My city does not have separate sewers for sanitary, so this is the only line I have. How reliable is a flat line? Will my waste wash out to the street, or will it sit and eventually back up? The plumber thinks that the rainwater will wash away any residue from the house, but I don’t want anything backing up into the house because of blockage.

        Any thoughts?

      • #298801
        Avatar photoSylvanLMP

          Most sewer systems depend on GRAVITY to flow PITCH is therefore required.

          If you dont have pitch GET a sewerage ejector.

          NO PITCH NO FLOW ok?

        • #298802
          Avatar photoGuest

            Can you explain what a sewage ejector is, and where is it installed?


          • #298803
            Avatar photoSylvanLMP

              A sewerage EJECTOR is nothing more than a pump that pushes the raw sewerage. It can and is used in places where waste can not flow by gravity. For example I have installed several heavy duty federal ejectors ranging from 600 GPM with total discharge head (TDH)of over 60 ft (how high it can pump)

              By having your plumber install either simplex or duplex system you can have every drain empty into this system OR just use it strictly for non storm water and thus saving you some electricity.

              The great thing about this kind of system your not relying on gravity but the 1 horse power motor to push everything down stream..

              Your Master Plumber ( plumbing professional) can size up the exact system right for you.

              Good luck

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