French Drain

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    • #278573
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        I want to divert water from downspout and would like know if a French Drain would solve this problem. I have a sloping lot and need to drain to back of property into a small creek. If a French Drain is feasible how is the proper way to construct it.
        Thanks for your assistance.

      • #298779
        Avatar photoSylvanLMP

          Bill I like trying to keep things simple and maintenance to a minimum.

          Have you considered either plastic or cast Iron piping leading from the leaders to the point of disposal? Depending on the length of the run how many clean outs you should install, normally every 50 feet or change of direction greater than 45 degrees.

          The reason I like piping for drainage is much less chance of this kind of system getting blocked by silt and it is easily rodded or water jetted.

          By having a large size storm drainage pipe installed you can add several leaders (down spouts) plus later on in the future you could add an area drain if you ever decide to put a patio deck or other type of structure that may have to have storm water removed.

          Just check with local codes as to piping materials.

        • #298780
          Avatar photoSylvanLMP

            This advice is from one of the top plumbers on my plumbing discussion list.

            Dear Writer: A French drain (rubble drain) is designed to receive minimal
            of water on an occasional basis. This would certainly not satisfy the
            drainage requirements of a full blown tropical downpour of any magnitude. May
            I suggest
            that you take the money you had earmarked for this proposed drainage plan and
            invest it in swimming lessons and flood insurance? I don’t wish to alarm you
            on the
            issue of mortality statistics as related to “Drowning Deaths” and
            Property Loss” cited in the latest actuarial report on the subject.
            Have you considered relocating before the next rainy season to a
            part of town? If not may I suggest that you take it under advisement?
            Do you own or have access to a small but sturdy boat that could be
            at this property for your safe egress when the overdue “Rain Storm of the
            pays you a visit. Have you contacted the local “Coast Guard Station” regarding
            the likelihood of your home being inundated or the possibility of evacuation
            by a
            helicopter in that eventuality.
            Not to worry, there have been documented cases where houses have been
            swept from their foundations in the dead of night and some of the residents
            survived in the swirling waters by clinging to the flotsam for days.
            I hope I have been of some help with your French Drain plan.
            Have a nice day…..Bud

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