Re-using water?

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    • #278511
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        We are renovating our house.
        Because of the water restrictions here I am looking at various ways I can reuse the water from our
        kitchen/bathroom etc. At present it all flow into a sewage tanknd when it gets to a certain level it
        gets pump to the top of a hill and drains out through ag piping.I want to be able to store this and use
        when requird with a irrigation system.
        Any ideas/information please ??

      • #298661
        Avatar photoJohn Aldrich1

          Mark, check out the following web site to get some ideas about the required treatment processes to reclaim septic tank effluent for irrigation purposes.

          John Aldrich
          Septic System Consultant

        • #298662
          Avatar photoSylvanLMP

            Check your local code 1st about the use of “gray water” then get back to me. Some codes frown upon the use of waste water.


            [Edited by SylvanLMP on 12 April 2000]

          • #298663
            Avatar photoJohn Aldrich1

              Mark, Sylvan is correct in advising you to check the local Health Department Regulations, but I think that you will find that the regulations just set down the water quality standards that must be attained in order for you to safely re-use the water from your septic system. The water that is now being applied to your land, without the proper level of treatment, constitutes a potential environmental, and public health threat.

              The various water treatment technologies revealed in the web site will produce a water resource with the quality that is suitable for irrigation purposes, and can be stored in an underground storage reservoir. This storage reservoir can be created with the use of a new product called RainStore3, manufactured by Invisible Structures, Inc.. The product is described in the web page with the following address:


              If you do find a prohibition of the use of treated sewage effluent for your own private uses, do not give up. Work to overcome antiquated, and inappropriate regulatory constraints in accomplishing the recycling of our most valuable resource, water. Notice that I do not use the term “Wastewater”. The material going into your sewer system is called sewage. If it is properly treated, and reclaimed, then it will not be “wasted”. The last thing that we should do in the middle of the Great American Desert is to “Waste Water!” JWA

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