washing machine drain field

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    • #278459
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        I have lived in house with seperate drain field for washing machine for over 20 years. About 2 years ago we got a new machine which has the automatic lint empty feature (as all new machines seam to have)and now I am having trouble with the drain backing up. I guess it is due to the lint going into the field. What can I due to open the field and how can I prevent it from happening.


      • #298556
        Avatar photoGuest

          The back up is most likely caused by the gradual build-up of lint, soap scum and organic wastes in the pipelines. This is a common problem that can be easily solved by the use of Bacteria Concepts’ DB-X100.

          In order to solve this problem, you can use Bacteria Concepts’ DB-X100 on a regular basis to keep drain lines free-flowing and choke free. Since the live bacteria in DB-X100 degrade the organics in the pipes, the source of bad odors is also removed.

          We encourage you to contact us to order some product as a cost effective
          means to solve the problem.

          You will also receive detailed instructions on how to use the product to
          solve any problems you may be facing.

          Bacteria Concepts manufactures the highest quality bacterial products on the
          market. Each contains a scientific blend of multiple strains of naturally
          occurring active bacteria, which function precisely to solve a specific
          problem. The blend is synergistic, which means that all strains are
          compatible with each other and compliment each others activity. The strains
          are chosen to be highly resistant to disinfectants, sanitizers, and to hot
          water. This feature permits their use in any normal home, commercial or
          industrial environment without imposing undo restrictions on accepted
          methods or on personnel. All bacteria strains used are non-pathogenic (i.e.
          they do not cause disease) and thus, will not harm humans and pets.

          Bacteria Concepts products are non-toxic, biodegradable and hence,
          environmentally friendly.

          Best regards,

          Customer Service

          Bacteria Concepts, Inc.
          1400 Brook Drive
          Downers Grove, IL 60515-1025
          Toll free in U.S.A.: 1-877-BCI-DRBUG (1-877-224-3728)
          Tel: (630) 261-0061
          Fax: (630) 261-0064
          Corporate e-mail: [email protected]
          Web site: http://www.bacteriaconcepts.com

        • #298557
          Avatar photoJohn Abbott

            I have the same problem. Does anyone out there, other than salesman, have experience with these products. I’ve already dumped $50 worth of various products “down the drain” with NO relief.
            If I decide to dig up existing pipe, will “turning over the rocks” with a backhoe be adequate to clean the bed(it’s 5′ 25′ 4′ deep.)

          • #298558
            Avatar photoSylvanLMP

              Keep the HELL away from CHEMICALS
              Here is a little trick that can save you a life time of CHEMICAL dependency. Use a womans nylon stocking on your washing machine discharge hose. This will TRAP the lint from going down your drain. Of course you can use a larger screen if needed BUT adding “chemicals” to a laundry dischage line IMHO is throwing your money down the drain litterly.
              Remember Bleach kills most bacteria GOOD as well as bad and the more laundry/flushing you do the more these “chemicals” get diluted. Most chemical reactions take lots and lots of time DUH and using a simple screen takes minutes and is so much cheaper PLEASE read this Article. Thank you


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