Thumb Drills

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  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 22 years ago by Avatar photoRobert Stephen Morton.
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    • #278208
      Avatar photowilliam miller

        Can anyone point me in the right direction where I can obtain a set of thumb drills for injectors on gas servicing work. A Company called Sutton’s in Auzzie used to supply them but I cannot get a response from them currectly.
        Sizes went from approx .05mm through to 2.5mm and the set consisted of approximately 40 drill bits encased in a brass holder for hand use.

      • #298002
        Avatar photoaquaticau

          I’ll aford you the curtesy that a fellow professional deserves.

          I have a set of P&N number drills and a Pin Vice for this purpose. Had them for years. I’ll ring a mate of mine, who specialises in gas in the morning.

          However, if you can spare a few Kiwi Dollars, ring Gas Components (Queensland Australia)as they have them in their catalogue.

          Australia Country code (61)
          Queensland area code (07) but drop the (0)
          Gas Components 3255 9255 fax 32559655

          they might know of aq Kiwi company or do a mail order

          good luck.

        • #298003
          Avatar photoaquaticau

            PETER try these

            Or seeing as you are a Kiwi


            » This message has been edited by aquaticau on 02 September 2002

            » This message has been edited by aquaticau on 02 September 2002

          • #298004
            Avatar photoRobert Stephen Morton

              Peter, try Gameco.

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