lighting the pilot

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    • #278159
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        I had a gas hot water heater installed 8 or 10 years ago and due to the small utility room it is in and the fact that later a clothes dryes was put too close to the heater I can’t read the instructions on how to light the pilot. The mechanism on the front has two buttons on the top, one red and the other a black with a dial around it. On the face of the heater and below the two button just mentioned there is a dial. If you know how to light the pilot of this heater and would e-mail me the instructions I surely would appreciate it. Thanks… Terry O’Dell

      • #297870
        Avatar photofourth year

          Turn the black dial on top counter clockwise until the “notch” lines up with the red button. Push the red button down and light the pilot. After the pilot is lit hold the red button down for a minute and then release it. If you do not have a faulty thermocouple the pilot will stay on and you can then turn the black knob clockwise to the ON position.

        • #297871
          Avatar photoRobert Stephen Morton

            As a Licensed Gasfitter, I would suggest the the installation be checked by a licensed Gasfitter, You have stated that a dryer has been installed in close proximity of the HWS, you may have changed the ventilation of this appliance. Get a Licensed Gasfitter to check & endorse the safety of this appliance – GAS CAN KILL!

          • #297872
            Avatar photodsmall


            • #297873
              Avatar photodsmall

                My hot water heater went out and I can’t get my pilot light to stay on. I replaced the thermocoupler but it still won’t stay lit unless I hold the button down. What could be my problem?

              • #297874
                Avatar photoSylvanLMP

                  In reply to message posted by Robert Stephen Morton:
                  As a Licensed Gasfitter, I would suggest the the installation be checked by a licensed Gasfitter, You have stated that a dryer has been installed in close proximity of the HWS, you may have changed the ventilation of this appliance. Get a Licensed Gasfitter to check & endorse the safety of this appliance – GAS CAN KILL!

                  Steven I cant agree more PLUS the fact this drier maybe putting a lot of lint by the gas burner of the H/W heater AND an open flame near lint and other laundry chemicals IS a very dangerous condition PLUS the volume of gas supply maybe under sized that’s causing incomplete combustion if both appliances fire at once


                • #297875
                  Avatar photoSylvanLMP

                    In reply to message posted by Robert Stephen Morton:
                    As a Licensed Gasfitter, I would suggest the the installation be checked by a licensed Gasfitter, You have stated that a dryer has been installed in close proximity of the HWS, you may have changed the ventilation of this appliance. Get a Licensed Gasfitter to check & endorse the safety of this appliance – GAS CAN KILL!

                    Steven I cant agree more PLUS the fact this drier maybe putting a lot of lint by the gas burner of the H/W heater AND an open flame near lint and other laundry chemicals IS a very dangerous condition PLUS the volume of gas supply maybe under sized that’s causing incomplete combustion if both appliances fire at once


                  • #297876
                    Avatar photoSylvanLMP

                      In reply to message posted by dsmall:
                      My hot water heater went out and I can’t get my pilot light to stay on. I replaced the thermocoupler but it still won’t stay lit unless I hold the button down. What could be my problem?

                      1- The new thermocouple may be defective

                      2- The flame my not be adjusted properly to show proof of pilot

                      3- your not holding the button down long enough to heat the new thermocouple

                      4- Possible lack of free air to allow for combustion Or severe spillage

                      5- The gas valve (controller) is defective

                      6- The thermocouple is not adjusted high enough in the flame or the flame hood is not directing the flame properly.


                    • #297877
                      Avatar photoGuest

                        DAMN YOUR ARE GOOD Sylvan, Thank you Dude

                      • #297878
                        Avatar photoRobert Stephen Morton

                          Terry, you first posted your query in June. Must be getting rather cold! Recently there was a devastating event in New York, if you are not carefull, you may have a smaller version, and guess what? if you live you may be held responsible because you certainly will be. Call in a Licensed Gasfitter to check the installation out!.

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