I installed my gas line in my new home, but have a slight pressure leak (1lb every hour) it was ok to pass inspection, but I would prefer to eliminate any leak. I have tried the soap and bubble detection method, but with no success. Next I will try a shrink and seal tape. Any other suggestions?
a gas leak in your home is a pain, and you’ve searched for it in vain. shrinkable tape’s not the cure, of this you can be sure; as a matter of fact it’s insane.
To be clear, this line is not yet hooked up to the gas meter, I have pressure tested it with AIR, thus, “Richard’s” excellent and helpful suggestion won’t work.
If the leak is enough to register on a meter, the gas company will not turn it on anyway. Have you soap and bubbled the pipe fittings? It is not unusual for one of them to have a sandhole in it, especially black fittings which do not have a galvanized coating which can seal small imperfections. And have you checked the air valve where you pumped it up? That can leak and allow a pressure drop.