Vibrations in the floor

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    • #278007
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        Since June 2006 I have had tremors coming through my floors. I live in a sixth floor building I am on the top floor. I have lived in this apartment for 14 years never a problem. I cannot lay in bed or sit anywhere without the tremors. It feels like something is runnung through my floor( like when the refrigerator goes on). The bed almost shakes. I have radiator heat. I have called every inspector..they cannot find the source. I was told that my apartment is a recycling apartment..that water runs up then goes through my apartment then goes down. The vibrations are worse near the radiators. I have not had a good nights sleep in months. I am not sure where the water comes from but could that maybe be the problem?? HELPHELP!!

      • #297516
        Avatar photoRetired plbg1

          Sounds like you have a roof water storage tank, maybe when the pump goes on it viabrates, check it out. It used to pump water up to roof and drops down to give people water pressure.

          Art retired plbg

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