how do you sharpen a self feed drill bit.

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    • #277928
      Avatar photoEric de Gouveia

        how do you sharpen a self feed drill bit. is ther any alternative to filling by hand. and if not what would be the most apropriate tool to use. and if must do by hand are there any jigs of sorts to help keep the proper angle.

      • #297391
        Avatar photoRetired plbg1

          Sears sells a drill bit sharpender that is real good, if you dont get right angle it will not drill right, I made aangle attachment for my big bits.

          Art retired plbg

        • #297392
          Avatar photobravo

            i use these drill bits a lot . home depot sells a flat file about eighit dollers here in texas ,when sharpening your drill bit keep the file level with your bit .when sharpning you must sharpen with same level as the bit . any diffrent and the bit well be worse. a little practice and you can master this. allso replace the self feeding worm. about ten dollers buys about five self feeding worms. around forty dollers a bit and you can this way.

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