Shower Pan Leak or Supply Line Leak

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    • #272794
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        My home was built in 1989. I just realized that somewhere around the shower is leaking. How can I determine if it is the shower pan, the supply line or if its caused by the worn out shower door seal ? The damage,so far, includes mildewed carpet in the corners outside of the shower, rotten carpet tack board and rotting floor boards around the shower.

      • #286326
        Avatar photoSylvanLMP

          wow EASY Question. Your lucky you came to the right place.The Key to finding this leak is as follows

          1- Put a stopper in the shower waste ( normally a 2″ plug) GET 2 or 3 FIVE gallon pails of water FROM another place OTHER THAN THE SHOWER.FILL the pan to about 3″ high and let it stand over night
          If the water holds with no leaks your 50% HOME free.

          2-NEXT let the water down the drain AFTER the 24 HR waiting period and pour in SEVERAL more pails of water AGAIN getting this water from another sourse.

          3- NOW here comes another BIG TEST
          CAP all your shower heads and TURN on the shower body for about 10-15 minutes ( DONT USE any water in your home as this test is being performed as you dont want to have a cross /mixing of H&C water through out your home. Again if NO leaks your in fantastic shape as you now know YOUR shower pan and shower body are in great shape.

          4- Now take off the caps off the shower head ( if more than one leave all but one capped) One the uncapped shower head put on an adapter HOSE Female adapter ( if your have the newer type of shower head (less ball) Attach a washing machine hose and direct the water all around the outside of the shower body (We are looking for leaks around the escutchions)If after 5 minutes no leaks THEN direct the water to all the walls and this will test the water tight intergrity of the grouting.

          Then if this proves ok Get into the shower and close the door and aim the water at the shower door to see if any water spashes out of the shower.

          One of the following above should pin point the problem. IF all else fails try putting the hose down the drain a few inches to check for a possible seperation of the existing piping.

          I JUST saved you over $450 for this information and I expect a check for what you feel is reasonable for this wealth of informantion. Have a great one and good luck ( most of these leaks by the way are grouting problems or leaks around the bottom of the shower door)

          [Edited by SylvanLMP on 06 April 2000]

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