Salt level in soft water

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    • #277637
      Avatar photogatesedward

        Could anyone tell me what the acceptable level (measurement) of salt is in softened water?

        We have started getting a salty aftertaste from our softened water from our faucets and from our reverse osmosis drinking water system.

        We have good water pressure, the softner unit goes through all the cycles and the drain for the unit is clear.

        A service tech is due to come tomorrow and I don’t know whether or not he’ll be able to test the salt content so I may have to use a lab. If he does test the water I want to make sure the salt content is within the proper limits.


      • #296757
        Avatar photoRetired plbg1

          You should have info on how much salt to use, get the name and call the co. are go on net and find out.

          Art retired plbg

        • #296758
          Avatar photospeedbump

            It seems odd that you would be getting the salt taste from your RO as well. If it is working it is supposed to remove salt.


          • #296759
            Avatar photoSelgas

              You should NOT have any salt coming through the softener to your inside water outlets at any time!! The salt is only used when the softener goes through a backwash function to clean the resin in the taller cylindrical tank – there should be no way that salt can pass into the “softened water” outlets that fee into your home.
              I suspect that one of the control valves on the head unit may be stuck particially open allowing salt to pass through. I note you have got a technician attending this fault for you and would be interested in what his/her findings were after their call.

              Selgas Services Ltd
              Craftsman Gasfitters, Plumbers, Electrical Service Technicians

            • #296760
              Avatar photoJeff987

                Sorry I took so long to get back…been gone.

                System checked out OK…other than the tech. is a real arrogant s.o.b..

                Turns out the only salty taste was in my wife’s mind. It went away after about a week and nothing was done to the system. The mind is a wonderful thing. I failed to mention that I never tasted any salt in the water but my taster is not as sensitive as hers.

                Anyway, I went ahead and ordered a Extech ExStik EC400 for future reference. If the her problem crops up again I can check the salinity myself. Besides, it’s a nice toy to have around and it’s cheaper than service calls.

                Thanks for the help.

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