polybutylene tubing

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    • #277614
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        My house used polybtylene tubing with all copper fittings,how long will this last and how safe is it.

      • #296693
        Avatar photoRetired plbg1

          Thats hard to say but awhile back they had trouble with a certain brand i dont know but since then I think it has in proved. Try to get a name and E-Mail them. Let me know.

          Art retired plbg

        • #296694
          Avatar photoCincinnatiPlumbing

            I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you’re most likely living on borrowed time. PB is a disaster waiting to happen. As far as safety goes, its safe as far as health concerns go….unless you happen to drown when it bursts.

            Polybutylene Piping Info

          • #296695
            Avatar photolila.godel

              In reply to message posted by lexusman:
              My house used polybtylene tubing with all copper fittings,how long will this last and how safe is it.

              Check out the polybutylene plumbing links at http://lila.godel.com/html/info-res.htm for information on the problems with this plumbing.

              » This message has been edited by lila.godel on 04 June 2005

              » This message has been edited by lila.godel on 02 August 2005

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