Turn on Sprinklers after winter

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    • #277221
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        Our sprinklers were winterized by a company last year, but they want $50 to turn them back on for watering use. Can anyone easily explain how to turn the sprinklers back on?

      • #295751
        Avatar photoPLUMBILL

          If you have to ask this question you should call them and watch everyting they do so next time you can do it.

          Fifty dollars is very reasonable for a service call to start your lawn sprinkler system and take care of any small repairs at that time.

        • #295752
          Avatar photoRetired plbg1

            Turn on main valve and then open valve on RBPV and let air out on the petcocks and then close then let water into each section until air is out and it should be ok.

            Art retired plbg

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