low water preesure

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    • #276992
      Avatar photoDevon Thomas Treadwell

        I have 2 bathrooms next to each other on a single level house, about 1 year ago one of the showers is suffering from low water pressure while the one is not. The house is only 3 years old. Would anyone have any ideas of what may cause the problem? and how to fix it?

      • #295193
        Avatar photoNOS Plumbing and Heating</titl

          did your plumber use two different kinds of pipes? exp. copper and iron pipe, does only the shower have low pressure? or the bath to(if there is a bath)??? If the shower only has low pressure take the shower head off and c if there was stuff cloging it or restrikting the flow, turn it on w/o the head,… if you have good pressure put it back on, turn water on, if you still have low pressure then get a new head, not worth scru’in with trying to clean them. reply if its not the head. many other posibilitys but check easy ones first!

          NOS Plumbing and Heating
          Tristan Novak, Pres.

        • #295194
          Avatar photoRetired plbg1

            Sounds like sh. head is limed up like the other Plbg. said, but you can take it off and let it soak in vinegar are some other lime away product.

            Art retired plbg

          • #295195
            Avatar photosidney

              Thanks for your replies. I have changed the shower head but did not help. I have also changed the washer and spindle, didn’t help either. This shower is the only one that has a low water pressure in the house. The other shower in the bathroom next to it is fine. Everything else is fine, the bath is fine too.

            • #295196
              Avatar photoRetired plbg1

                Take the sh. valve apart and see if any solder are dirt got in side, Have somebody turn on water while you have it apart and see if you have lots of water then clean parts are get new ones.

                Art retired plbg

              • #295197
                Avatar photosidney

                  Thanks for your reply. Should I be checking on both hot and cold water? Can the pipe be clogged up? and how do I fix it if it is?

                • #295198
                  Avatar photoRetired plbg1

                    It probably is not your pipes but the inside of your sh. valve., if you are not familar with taking valve apart call a Plumber.

                    Art retired plbg

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