mystery pressure loss in submersible well line.

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    • #276983
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        hi all, quick advice please.
        summer cabin,used on weekends, water system is always pressurized although we shut power off to pump when we leave..Past several weekends,upon opening water taps thruout cabin, no pressure, just slight air hissing. turn on pump,water flows, pressure builds, pump shuts off everything fine..EXCEPT every hour or two you can hear the pump run for 15 to 20 seconds..Obviously i have a leak somewhere, checked out all the plumbing accesible to me thruout cabin, no leaks visable, would lead me to believe i have leak in line from well drain valve out to submersible pump somewhere. The 1/2 hp pump is 44 feet down, connected to a welmate pressure tank buried in the ground right next to it. The tanks schrader valve is accessible via a pvc pipe/removable cap. Air pressure when pressurized showed about 44 lbs…upon flushing toilet and checking, showed pressure dropping accordingly until pump kicked in leading me to believe that tank is ok (on the inside anyway)…My questions are: should i dig up around the tank and see if any of the connections are leaking into the soil? Would appear to be a somewhat substantial leak (more then the drip/drip faucet type leak) if it kicks the pump on every hour or so.. Also, can a check valve in line with the submersible be “leaky”? I always thought when a check valve went bad, it either stayed open or closed totally..
        Last question, can a plumber handle the well repair if the pump has to be pulled up? or do i need the well driller to come back with his rig? (system is 9 years old, has a Flint/Walling pump 1/2 hp 3 wire)..anyway, any ideas/tips or hints would be appreciated..thankyou

      • #295177
        Avatar photoDUNBAR

          Send a plumber out to test different areas of the line to determine where the system is gaining air. There is a leak, no doubt about that. The best way to test a bladder tank is with the tank completely empty; which in your case would be difficult. I would suggest moving that tank indoors; that is a guessing game of when that tank finally goes.

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