Connecting water to refrigerator

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    • #276536
      Avatar photoCherry Zhou

        I need to some how connect my new refrigerator to the water supply line in my kitchen.
        All I had was a copper line from under the kitchen sink going to the refrigerator (from under the house) and nothing else. Not even a “direct” connection from the copper tube to the cold water supply line under the sink.
        I’ve looked everywhere in stores to do this job and can only find a kit thats for “pressing” into the copper water line itself.
        I would rather connect the ice maker line directly to the cold water line (if possible). Only because there is nothing there to connect the copper line to the cold water supply line in the first place. Is there some kind of 3-way connector (for the cold supply line and the refrigerator tube)? I can use either copper or plastic tube for this job. But would rather use plastic because it would be easier??
        I don’t even have shut off vaulves for the hot and cold supply lines under the kitchen sink, BUT plan to get them installed soon.

      • #294336
        Avatar photoRobert Stephen Morton

          Kevin, most refrigerators need backflow prevention, you should contact a licensed plumber for this project.

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