Noisy Baseboard Heat

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    • #275931
      Avatar photoBob Lake

        I moved into this house 5 years ago that has 2 zone heat. The upstairs has hot water baseboard heat which has always been a little noisy on start up (ticking, snapping etc. the usual). This summer we added a new room upstairs and completely renovated the bathroom. Last night when I turned on the upstairs heat for the first time, the brand new baseboard in the new room and the bathroom was as noisy, if not more so, than the old rooms had been. I guess my question is, with a brand new installation like this, couln’t the plummer have done something to eliminate or reduce this? Haven’t there been new products etc. over the years? Was he just lazy and took shortcuts? Is there any chance that since this was the initial startup it will get quieter with use? Note the heat is great-no problem with that. We also have ticking in the wall where the new supply lines run for the hot water. Thanks in advance for any input

      • #293149
        Avatar photoHarold Kestenholz

          Heat is a special sub-branch of plumbing that follows the same rules of plumbing. Not ALL plumbers understand the physics of height, pressure, and flow, so operation might be noisy. The procedure for setting pressure and eliminating air is at

          The plumber would do better taking care not to allow tubing to rub against surfaces so the expansion would take place quietly. Some cutting and patching may allow access to make the holes around the tubing larger with hangers and insulation applied to keep the metal away.

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