Toilet Rocks on Floor

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    • #275800
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        Our toilet rocks back and forth as you unseat yourself. Upon inspecting the 2 bolts that attatch the bowl to the floor (the ones with the white plastic caps over them) I found one is completely loose and I can remove it. But I can not seem to be able to realign it and tighten it up. These bolts attach to some flange correct? Could the flange be broken? Also, I will be having a heavy person using the toilet so I was wondering if stronger bolts/flanges are available (or even necessary). Much thanks for any advice someone can provide.

      • #292913
        Avatar photoNickHydro

          Thers a slut in the flang so yuo ken slid the boltt inan ot Ef the flors levl then tha bolts strong nuff

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