dishwater water flooding airgap

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    • #275499
      Avatar photoEd sullivan

        I have a dishwasher that has the bad habit that when it drains, alot of drain water flows out the airgap. I have taken the hose going from the washer to the airgap and cleaned it even though it looks open, just to be sure. The same with the line going from the airgap to the garbage disposal, it looks clean as well. Both of these lines ran water very well and are quite clean due to a recent remodel. The lines are not kinked and are straight. The garbage disposal never gets so full of water so as to back up and cause the airgap to flood and spill out. The air gap itself was clean with no food particles. Any suggestions?

      • #292267
        Avatar photoSylvanLMP

          In reply to message posted by oli:
          I have a dishwasher that has the bad habit that when it drains, alot of drain water flows out the airgap. I have taken the hose going from the washer to the airgap and cleaned it even though it looks open, just to be sure. The same with the line going from the airgap to the garbage disposal, it looks clean as well. Both of these lines ran water very well and are quite clean due to a recent remodel. The lines are not kinked and are straight. The garbage disposal never gets so full of water so as to back up and cause the airgap to flood and spill out. The air gap itself was clean with no food particles. Any suggestions?

          If you had a recent remodeling job and if the contractor had installed a 2″ line (hopefully not plastic) and no short radius fittings plus took the extra precautions of water jetting the existing lines they tied into the only other possible reason for this kind of problem to exist is the volume of water being discharged far exceeds the drain capabilities of the garbage disposal outlet.

          You may find it advisable to install a separate connection for the dishwasher by passing the garbage disposal completely.

        • #292268
          Avatar photoracefanone

            Oli,Did it leak before the re model,or was it added during the remodel? Could be you have a bad “airgap”

            » This message has been edited by racefanone on 18 April 2002

          • #292269
            Avatar photoSylvanLMP

              In reply to message posted by racefanone:
              Oli,Did it leak before the re model,or was it added during the remodel? Could be you have a bad “airgap”

              » This message has been edited by racefanone on 18 April 2002

              Great point, Fantastic

            • #292270
              Avatar photoracefanone

                Hey Sylvan,how’s things in New York?Been awhile since we spoke.

              • #292271
                Avatar photoRobert Stephen Morton

                  Sylvan. in response to your attemped sarcasm in your your post to Bungie. It seems that we have a different terminology to you regarding Torches – Flashlights. You apparently assumed Bungie was suggesting inserting a blow torch to iluminate the underside of the spa bath (Whirlpool), in Oz a whirlpool is a washing machine. Likewise a airgap is the difference between a rim of a tundish & the waste discharging to it (normally 2 diameters) or the space between the water seal of a trap & the grate.
                  As I have said on many other occasions your attempts at sarcasm runs off like water on a ducks back, its very hard to insult us as even our mates put crap on us, we assume that as long as you are talking to us it must be friendly. most of us work on the assumption that if we have nothing nice to say we say nothing.

                  oh allright, oorooh
                  regards bob

                • #292272
                  Avatar photooli

                    Thanks, I am with you I can’t think of anything that makes sense other than to replace the airgap. It was replaced during the remodel and has leaked since that time, about 1 year or so ago.

                  • #292273
                    Avatar photoSylvanLMP

                      In reply to message posted by Robert Stephen Morton:
                      Sylvan. in response to your attemped sarcasm in your your post to Bungie. It seems that we have a different terminology to you regarding Torches – Flashlights. You apparently assumed Bungie was suggesting inserting a blow torch to iluminate the underside of the spa bath (Whirlpool), in Oz a whirlpool is a washing machine. Likewise a airgap is the difference between a rim of a tundish & the waste discharging to it (normally 2 diameters) or the space between the water seal of a trap & the grate.
                      As I have said on many other occasions your attempts at sarcasm runs off like water on a ducks back, its very hard to insult us as even our mates put crap on us, we assume that as long as you are talking to us it must be friendly. most of us work on the assumption that if we have nothing nice to say we say nothing.

                      Robert, you make a lot of sense.

                      It is a shame plumbing terms are so varied across the pond that there is so much confusion.

                      Even here in the States we have Air gap (water supply) and air Break (drainage)

                      Bungie did say “stating the obvious” which is not to be taken lightly as folks do take others seriously look how easy it is for me to turn Bungies dials.

                      Gerry on the other hand had me going nuts when he was kind enough to look me up and speak way to short a time over my home.

                      We did laugh a lot.

                      I suppose you blokes call a shower a rain locker?

                      Whirlpools in this country are for sitting in and relaxing and a dish washer washes dishes and a clothes washer washers clothes.

                      This is the exact reasoning misfits in the trades who are non licensed and have no real skills are called tech’s in this part of the world.

                      Even notice a ligitimate plumbing company will say I am sending over a “plumber” to take care of your plumbing job?

                      Would you believe some franchises resort to say they are sending over a “tech” as there is no license or skill requirements in plumbing for a tech.

                      Robert it is always a real treat reading you informative postings and I learn a lot from them.

                      Please keep it up and thank you again ..Sylvan

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