Toilet Clogged, AGAIN

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    • #275398
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        My son flushed an empty toilet paper holder down the toilet. We got it out, and the toilet worked fine, for 24 hours, now it’s clogged, AGAIN. Any ideas?

      • #291940
        Avatar photoTheLocalPlumber

          My idea would be to auger the water closet, Again.
          Now we all know boys will be boys and the fascination young boys have with the water swirling in a bowl is well documented and goes back to the first days of the invention.
          Your young son is establishing himself as a thinker and experiments with the commode will continue well into his adult life. There are no clear cut solutions to this national problem.
          My guess is this time it is not the toilet roll but some other object. The reason could be as simple as “I wonder if it will go down”.
          So in closing, what you have here is not a toilet problem, but an independent young son who clearly is showing signs of a leader. I would suggest you nurture him with field trips that will inspire him further to possibly one day be a plumbing professional. This way instead of you paying for his experiments he may one day be able to charge for them.
          Good luck,
          The Local Plumber
          Tustin, California

        • #291941
          Avatar photoSylvanLMP

            In reply to message posted by TheLocalPlumber:
            My idea would be to auger the water closet, Again.
            Now we all know boys will be boys and the fascination young boys have with the water swirling in a bowl is well documented and goes back to the first days of the invention.
            Your young son is establishing himself as a thinker and experiments with the commode will continue well into his adult life. There are no clear cut solutions to this national problem.
            My guess is this time it is not the toilet roll but some other object. The reason could be as simple as “I wonder if it will go down”.
            So in closing, what you have here is not a toilet problem, but an independent young son who clearly is showing signs of a leader. I would suggest you nurture him with field trips that will inspire him further to possibly one day be a plumbing professional. This way instead of you paying for his experiments he may one day be able to charge for them.
            Good luck,
            The Local Plumber
            Tustin, California

            This without any doubt in my mind has to be one of the BEST answers I have ever read.

            FANTASTIC Bill you do our profession Proud to have you as a LMP.

            This is exactly what I meant, YOU being a true professional gave your real name and thus as a professional gave really fantastic advice GREAT POST.

            As my old CPO said to me in the Navy
            “You did good Lad” LOL


          • #291942
            Avatar photoTheLocalPlumber

              Fortunately, I can see past the anger that some other professionals in this forum have for you.
              In my 27 years in this business, it is rare to find someone such as yourself that has such knowledge that you do about the trade and then is willing to share with others. You are an inspiration to many, including myself. I can only keep learning to hope to one day be as knowledgable as you are in this field.
              So it is with great admiration for you that I say Thank You. I list this right up there with the best compliments I have had in my lifetime. Not because of what I said, but because of who I think you are and what you represent in this industry.
              My humble thanks,
              The Local Plumber
              Tustin, California

            • #291943
              Avatar photoSylvanLMP

                In reply to message posted by TheLocalPlumber:
                Fortunately, I can see past the anger that some other professionals in this forum have for you.
                In my 27 years in this business, it is rare to find someone such as yourself that has such knowledge that you do about the trade and then is willing to share with others. You are an inspiration to many, including myself. I can only keep learning to hope to one day be as knowledgable as you are in this field.
                So it is with great admiration for you that I say Thank You. I list this right up there with the best compliments I have had in my lifetime. Not because of what I said, but because of who I think you are and what you represent in this industry.
                My humble thanks,
                The Local Plumber
                Tustin, California

                Bill I took the liberty of posting your answer on my PIPDL as I think you not only show true professionalism but the humor it really takes to have mastered this profession.

                Plumbing can be quite frustrating at times as we both know.

                Thank you again for a most enjoyable post. Sylvan


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