toliet/shower combo

Home Forums Public Forums General Plumbing toliet/shower combo

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    • #275345
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        I am putting living quarters in a horse trailer and would like to know where I might find a toliet/shower combination. Thanks! [email protected]

      • #291746
        Avatar photoGuest

          Paula,I really dont know where you would find one big enough for a horse.

        • #291747
          Avatar photobungie



            All advice is given with-out seeing the job, and hence all advice MUST be taken as advice with limited knowledge on the exact situation. NO responsibility can or
            will be taken. And yes, I am a licensed plumber with my own business in Brisbane Australia

          • #291748
            Avatar photoGuest

              OK people….This is NOT a joke…The living quarters are for me when I’m on a trailride…I have very little space and I am looking for the toliet/shower combo like you would find in a camper but can’t seem to get one through a RV outlet.

            • #291749
              Avatar photobungie

                The only thing that comes to mind is a chemical toilet, and depending on where you are. You can get a camping shower from a basic plug into the cig lighter, up to full showers that run off the car heater


                All advice is given with-out seeing the job, and hence all advice MUST be taken as advice with limited knowledge on the exact situation. NO responsibility can or
                will be taken. And yes, I am a licensed plumber with my own business in Brisbane Australia

              • #291750
                Avatar photofourth year

                  That would normally be an OEM item. Check with a company that repairs motor homes and campers. they should be able to get one for you.

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