Baseboard heating

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    • #275303
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        I installed a hot water heating system with baseboards on two floors each of which is on it’s own loop. Problem: all the heat goes to the first floor is thee any kind of regulator I can install to spread the heat out better.. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

      • #291653
        Avatar photoSylvanLMP

          You should try either flow control valves and a circulator on each zone.


        • #291654
          Avatar photoGuest

            zone valves or individual pumps would be the best way, but either requires an additional thermostat. If it would be impossible to wire that second thermostat on the upper level, then balancing cocks at the return lines to the boiler would allow you to restrict the flow to the lower level and force more flow through the upper zone. However, if your pump is not on the boiler supply side, then you might consider putting the balancing cocks on the feed lines to the zones in order not to starve the pump and create cavitation if you closed the valves too far.

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