Main Shower Valve

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  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 23 years ago by Avatar photofourth year.
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    • #275202
      Avatar photoArash Nowrouz

        I have a 1893 Victorian. The tub was added about 1923. The shower was added in 1988 as an addition to the tub. I have a steady leek coming out the shower and the tub. I removed the guts of the shower fixture and cleaned them. Repressurized and the leeks has slowed but not stopped. QUESTION: Since I want to keep everything as close to original a possible, is there a way that I can stop this leeking without putting in a new fixture? I thank you in advance for your comments.
        Ron Killian

      • #291407
        Avatar photofourth year

          Possibly, but you would have to give the brand of faucet. If it is one that does not have removable seats then you should call a good service plumber who knows how to reseat the faucet.

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