“rusty” hot (not cold) water

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    • #275170
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        We are having a problem with hot water coming out “rusty”-looking. We had this problem one year ago when we first bought the house, then it went away. But the problem is recurring now. We have not flushed out our Hot Water Heater yet this year. Could this be the problem? Please help!

      • #291290
        Avatar photoSylvanLMP

          A lot of times rusty colored water means the pipes are ferrous metal and this could be a major concern down the road.

          Also you must realize cold water is used a lot more then hot and water just sitting in the pipes tend to discolor.

          Try running the water and see if it clears up.

        • #291291
          Avatar photoGaryPurolite1

            It is possible that the lining in the water heater has been damaged causing the water to corrode the iron from the tank itself. Have your cold water fed to the heater tested for iron and the hot water after the heater tested for iron. If not present in the cold feed water but is in the hot water then the source is the metal of the water heater tank. Solution: Replace the water heater.

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