Bathroom Renovation

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    • #275164
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        I have two questions regarding a bathroom renovation.
        1. For the shower recess do you need to use a copper tray or is a membrane a sufficient barrier. Some quotes we’ve received do not mention the use of a tray.

        2. One of the quotes we received for our bathroom stated that a water temperature regulator was required, by law. However one of the one of contractors said he did not know of any requirement. (by the way, we are in New South Wales)

        Thankyou for any help.

      • #291280
        Avatar photofourth year

          Even if a pressure balanced valve were not required in NSW, it would still be beneficial for you to install one.

        • #291281
          Avatar photoGuest


            Originally posted by Grant:
            I have two questions regarding a bathroom renovation.
            1. For the shower recess do you need to use a copper tray or is a membrane a sufficient barrier. Some quotes we’ve received do not mention the use of a tray.

            Answer: I happen to like a lead “tray” pan but I have used copper also.

            As far as membrane “plastic” I honestly do not care for it

            If using lead I use 4 PSF and for copper I use 14 Oz per ft

            2. One of the quotes we received for our bathroom stated that a water temperature regulator was required, by law. However one of the one of contractors said he did not know of any requirement. (by the way, we are in New South Wales)

            Thankyou for any help.

            Answer. A pressure balancing valve WILL NOT protect you in case of a hot water failure as they only work on pressure differential and they do not sense temperature fluctuations regardless what others think.

            For better protection you should have both a pressure balance AND A temperature/temperature valve installed.

            It cost slightly more but affords the best type of protection against accidental scalding


          • #291282
            Avatar photoGuest

              You can use either a membrane or a copper tray. And YES by law you do need to install a tempering valve on the new bathroom. Might consider placing it back at the HWS and do the whole house

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