Copper in water

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    • #275108
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        We have a newly built house that has had blue/gree water staining since month #2. We’re on a city water system and none of our neighbors have this problem. We had the water tested – ph is normal at 7.0; but the copper content ranges from 1.5 to 15 (!). The builder, electrician and plumber have checked and rechecked the grounding of the pipes coming into the house, the refrigerator and whirlpool tub grounding, the box coming into the house… but they’re at a loss as to what to look for next. In the meantime, we’re living on bottled water. I’m concerned first about our health and possible future copper pipe corrosion (I’ve read about pin hole problems). Any suggestions? Any future problems I should be on the lookout for. Thanks much.

      • #291116
        Avatar photoGuest

          Try one of the following websites or Installing a phosphate injector should protect the pipes from corrosion by isolating the copper from the water. The copperknight may also be an option, anode in the device should sacrifice itself in lieu of your copper.

        • #291117
          Avatar photoGuest

            I spoke to a person a few months back about something simular and was told basicly that if the copper had not “aged” before installing, that you will get the copper leaching

            ………. boy will this open up a can of worms in here ….

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