Increasing outside water pressure for sprinkler system

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    • #275084
      Avatar photoM. Anne Hughes

        Hello Everyone,
        I am installing 3/4 flexible tubing outside with sprinkler heads attached. Water pressure out of the outside faucet is 80lbs. I am on county water and not a well. When I put 4 heads on the line I end up with 20 pounds at the end of the line. Is there anything I could connect to outside that will keep the pressure consistant or increase the pressure outside so that more than one zone can be run at the same time.

      • #291052
        Avatar photofourth year

          You have to test the pressure at the beginning of the line and also at the house connection while the zone is operating. You could have too small a pipe if the pressure at the beginning is still in the 60-80 psi range. If the beginning pressure is also low, but the house pressure is high then the problem is your operating valve or inlet piping. If you connected to a small pipe at the house, then it could also be too small to operate the sprinklers. You may have to have a plumber check the system.

        • #291053
          Avatar photoracefanone

            Why do you want more than one zone running at one time ? You would be defeating the purpose of a zone valve.

          • #291054
            Avatar photoracefanone

              Why would you want to run more than one zone at a time?You would be defeating the purpose of the zone valve,thats why they are called zone valves.

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