Underground gas line

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    • #274958
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        Running an underground gas line to a pool does anyone know of any code that says you can’t put underground electrical in the same trench?

      • #290827
        Avatar photofourth year

          The wire is supposed to be in a brass conduit, but the logical reason not to do it is what would happen if the gas and electric wires were to be damaged at the same time. A utility contractor in Chicago’s suburbs did it several years ago with spectacular results.

        • #290828
          Avatar photofourth year

            Since that is what the inspectors require here and almost every home has a swimming pool, it just seems logical that it must have some validity. Four states, huh, it looks like you couldn’t make a go of it in three so far. Which will be the fifth one. I hope you are going to stay in the northeast.

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