backup power for sump pump

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    • #274942
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        I have an existing residential sump pump in good working condition. The question: Is there a cost effective way of installing a backup power to the pump if the AC power is out for few hours. Is there a unit out there where one end plug to the sump pump outlet and the other end plug into the regular AC socket. Hence when AC power is out, the unit will automatically turn on and supply DC to the sump pump?

        One ideal is to use a product called “SUMPRO” but the price is too steep, any other idea?

      • #290793
        Avatar photoSylvanLMP

          Contact Jim Steven’s at Steven’s Pump company.

          This FANTASTIC Company to deal with makes a great battery powered pump.

          Tell Jim Sylvan says HEY

          I suggestd Steven’s pump to my plumbing supply who only carried one other brand NOW they love Steven’s as far a Quality and guarantee

        • #290794
          Avatar photogaston

            Man do I know why you need that. I spent 8 hours one night bailing water from a sump basket in Kansas after the power went out during a storm. I suggest the following options.

            1. buy a gas powered generator. When the power goes out you can start this and plug it in. This is what I did. The generator can come in handy other times also. You will need about 15 amps max.

            2. purchase a new sump pump with a battery back up.

            3. Make your own battery backup system. You need a battery, a charger and a inverter. You need to convert the AC signal to DC.

            Remember batteries will not last very long when pumping large quantities of water.

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