Easy toilet installation in a few minutes

Home Forums Public Forums General Plumbing Easy toilet installation in a few minutes

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    • #274936
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        PEB S.A. has developed and patented a kit of joints with the purpose of solving the different existing problems in the installation and maintenance of the sanitary ware. In this way we have achieved a unique and revolutionary product in the world, the characteristics of which make it essential, due to the great number of benefits and solutions which are obtained with its use. http://ar.geocities.com/pebsa/

      • #290785
        Avatar photofourth year

          I am not sure what problem it solves, but what about the toilets that are not shaped like your device, such as the ones that have a pointed base?

        • #290786
          Avatar photoGuest

            These are only one of our models. There are differents models to solve the problems of any kind of toilet. Thank you for your question. http://ar.geocities.com/pebsa/

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