
Home Forums Public Forums General Plumbing shower

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    • #274833
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        The showerbase in my shower is hollow and theres a lot of give when I step on to it. Whats the best way to stabilize it? Ive looked all over with no luck-Help!

      • #290582
        Avatar photoGuest

          If your base is made of fiberglass, you can contact a company that repairs them. They can inject a compound underneath the base to support it.

        • #290583
          Avatar photoMisfire

            I’ve heard of concrete being piped under showers and tubs but I’m not certain this is considered a good practice.

          • #290584
            Avatar photoGuest

              Hello, This is a common problem with older tub/shower units. They can however be repaired in place in just a few short hours ready to use the next day,if not that night. The cost of this is much cheaper than the replace cost. You can find a tub repairman in the phone book , plumbing supply houses or plumbers may be able to help you locate one in your area. You can check out It has information and free tips on it, some are no brainers and some might surprise you. Good luck!

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