water miser water softener

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    • #274817
      Avatar photoAll Around Plumbing

        Has anyone had any experience with the WATER BOSS water treatment systems. They’re supposed to soften water and filter dirt and sediment and reduce chlorine and the big plus is that they regenerate using only 15 to 21 gallons of water. that’s the part that got my attention. most other softeners use 60 to 120 gallons of water to regenerate. I would appreciate any teatimonials because I would like to know if the claims are true and if the results are satisfactory. thanks for any responses.

      • #290535
        Avatar photofourth year

          It could be true, but since there are three stages of regeneration that require water, namely, backwashing the mineral to remove filtered items, aspirating the brine and dispersing it through the media to recharge it, and finally rinsing the brine out of the media bed, I would be suspicious if this could be done properly with only 20-30 gallons of water, unless the media tank were very small.

        • #290536
          Avatar photofauxman2000

            forth year, it’s true that these systems are rather small, so maybe the catch is, that it regenerates more often so that it uses less water each time but more often. thanks

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