Elec water heater w/new elements STILL pops

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    • #274667
      Avatar photoadvance77

        I’ve searched the plethora of electric water heater msgs and cannot seem to find one to exactly match my prob.

        2 elements, 2 thermostats, only lower is adjustable (set 125F) .
        First we would run outta hot water and the lower stat would be popped.
        Then it seemed it would overheat and pop the top stat.
        I replaced both elements last week and now it seems to overheat and pop only the top stat.
        I’m guessing it one thermostat or the other.
        Any clues?

      • #290139
        Avatar photofourth year

          The upper non-adjustable thermostats are notorious for failing. But since they are not adjustable, it is difficult to test them. One of my distributors has a box of standard thermostats that he uses to exchange for the bad original ones. Change to a conventional upper thermostat and the problem should cease. How does the bottom one pop? Normally the top one is the only one with a red reset button.

        • #290140
          Avatar photogcoron

            Both thermostats have red reset buttons.

            The bottom does NOT seem to pop since both elements have been replaced.

            I went out and purchased replacements for BOTH thermostats.
            I just installed the new upper (which IS adjustable) last night and the water is STILL overheating, but it had not popped by this AM.

            The new lower (adjustable, w/red reset button) goes in tonight and I PRAY that will be the final fix.
            (or I will be most perplexed)

          • #290141
            Avatar photoGuest


              Originally posted by gcoron:
              Both thermostats have red reset buttons.

              The bottom does NOT seem to pop since both elements have been replaced.

              I went out and purchased replacements for BOTH thermostats.
              I just installed the new upper (which IS adjustable) last night and the water is STILL overheating, but it had not popped by this AM.

              The new lower (adjustable, w/red reset button) goes in tonight and I PRAY that will be the final fix.
              (or I will be most perplexed)

              I have a similar problem. My 40 gal. water does not overheat, yet the upper element continues to heat, but, provides only warm water. It does this until it limes up so badly the element finally bursts.

            • #290142
              Avatar photogcoron

                OK. I’m perplexed.
                I’ve replaced both elements AND both thermostats.
                Now only the upper stat has a red overtemp reset button. Both thermostats ARE adjustable and set to 120.
                Both thermostats appear to be held firmly against the tank.
                When I went to bed, temp at the tap was ~165. The overtemp had popped this morning.
                I can only think to check the wiring w/a meter.
                Anybody have any clues ?

              • #290143
                Avatar photofourth year

                  A wiring problem would only keep it from heating. You still have a problem with the thermostat or element. Or, less likely, if the material in the bottom of the tank is built up to the level of the thermostat, then it will insulate it and not let it turn off until after the temperature is much higher than the setting.

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