Gas boiler problems

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    • #274620
      Avatar photoAdam Montone

        I’m having problems with my gas boiler not heating properly. The temperature only goes up to 140 and continues running constantly? Any ideas? Its ran all day and never shut down. I finally shut it down as it wasn’t putting out enouogh heat to the baseboards.

      • #290049
        Avatar photoGuest

          There is no way to be sure from the given information, but the most likely cause is a change in the gas input probably due to a pressure reduction. If the system always was that way, there is another reason. You need an experienced gas fitter/plumber to inspect your combustion system.

        • #290050
          Avatar photoGuest

            Check the temperture setting
            in aquastat,most likly set
            too low. Should be set
            around 180-190f for proper
            heat output

          • #290051
            Avatar photoRuss

              Boiler has limit control for
              temp, could be set too low.
              Check setting, should be at
              180-190f.This should take care
              of problem.

            • #290052
              Avatar photoRuss

                High limit setting may be set
                too low,should be 180-190F for
                heat output at baseboard to
                give off enough heat.

              • #290053
                Avatar photoRuss


                  Originally posted by Harold
                  There is no way to be sure from the given information, but the most likely cause is a change in the gas input probably due to a pressure reduction. If the system always was that way, there is another reason. You need an experienced gas fitter/plumber to inspect your combustion system.

                • #290054
                  Avatar photokenny b

                    looks like were missing some replys here. I can’t help wondering if maybe they were removed because they had different opinions then the chosen few.

                  • #290055
                    Avatar photoGuest

                      Could be that some are missing Kenny. A high limit aquastat set too low would shut the burner off because of reaching the low setting. This person says the burner runs all day.

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