Water Softner Resin

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    • #274593
      Avatar photocmac

        While rebuilding my water softner, I lost some of the resin in the softner tank. How full should the tank be with resin. Where could I get some to replace it if necessary. Haven’t had much luck finding an answer to these questions.

      • #290005
        Avatar photoGaryPurolite1

          It depends on what type of softener you have. Some are totally full but most are 1/2 full.
          1/2 means the resin bed is about 1/2 the height of the softener tank. We may be able to help if you can tell us the name of the softener manufacturer.

          You can buy resin for most any Water Conditioning Dealer. You will have to know what type of resin is in the unit. There are several varieties. The Dealer may know which by looking at the unit.
          I may be able to tell you which if you can tell me the manufacturer and the Model Nr.

        • #290006
          Avatar photoAndrew Engel1

            Thank you Gary for the prompt reply. Ii is a Sears Softner Model 625.34736. It appears to be about half full of Resin now. This is great to be able to get answers to these kinds of questions.
            Have a great day!

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