HELP! Bedroom floor flooding

Home Forums Archives Old Bulletin Board Archives HELP! Bedroom floor flooding

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    • #284810
      Avatar photoSteve Piper

        20 year old brick ranch home on slab with a middle bedroom where floor is now saturated with water apparently coming from floor. Walls are dry. Room is flanked by bathroom on one side (side that is wet). Bathroom is not wet at all. Sink/Tub and toilet are not backed up. Cannot determine where water is coming from. Turned off main water to house at night and by morning, as wet as before. Have sucked up more than 7 gallons of water from carpet yesterday. Water is back again. Does not seem to matter whether main water line is shut off or not. Water still coming in. Outside wall and baseboard of room are bone dry. Where is it coming from? How do I stop the water from continuing to accumulate. Carpet is soggy. Not entire room soggy, only area from bathroom common wall to halfway through room. Walls dry and ceilings dry… no sign of draining through walls. Appears to be in flooring. Flooring is over slab with carpet pad and carpet. Any advice or help?

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