I recently purchased two idenical 40 gallon gas hot water heaters manufactured by Rheem with GE/Hotpoints name on it.
The water heater were purchased for two seperate residences, I installed both units and have the water temperature set for 110 F, which I checked with a calibrated thermometer.
Here is my problem:
On both units the safety valve will sporatically lift and release around a quart of water to the floor, when the safety does lift its obvious there is no pressure behind it.
The saftey valve setting is 150psi/210 F.
I know I don’t have 150 psi in the tank and I also know the temp. is almost half of 210 F.
I contacted Rheem and they told me the problem is thermal expansion and if I add a expansion tank the problem will be resolved, However I’m very unsettled that the safety is lifting at less than specified and I never needed an expansion tank prior to this?
What would have changed to make me need an expansion tank now?
Could there be another problem causing this?