Hot water heater safety valve

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    • #274477
      Avatar photoMasterPlumbers

        I recently purchased two idenical 40 gallon gas hot water heaters manufactured by Rheem with GE/Hotpoints name on it.
        The water heater were purchased for two seperate residences, I installed both units and have the water temperature set for 110 F, which I checked with a calibrated thermometer.
        Here is my problem:
        On both units the safety valve will sporatically lift and release around a quart of water to the floor, when the safety does lift its obvious there is no pressure behind it.
        The saftey valve setting is 150psi/210 F.
        I know I don’t have 150 psi in the tank and I also know the temp. is almost half of 210 F.
        I contacted Rheem and they told me the problem is thermal expansion and if I add a expansion tank the problem will be resolved, However I’m very unsettled that the safety is lifting at less than specified and I never needed an expansion tank prior to this?
        What would have changed to make me need an expansion tank now?
        Could there be another problem causing this?

      • #289817
        Avatar photoGuest

          It very well could be just a defective safety valve and all you need to do is change the vavle and see if it still does it.I have ran into it a few times myself and found it to be only a weak spring and not allowing the water to stop completely or spurting out at various times.Try it at least.The most it will cost is $5-$10 bucks especially if you never had a problem with the other ones.

        • #289818
          Avatar photoGuest

            Try replacing the safty valve itself.I have bought brand new water heaters many times with the same problem and found the safty valve was just defective.Try it at least the most it will cost is between $5-$10.

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