Toilete not flux well

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    • #284847
      Avatar photoSara Wagner

        Toilete flux ok 40% of the time. Sometimes it just rotate water, but doesnt flux out, as completely clogged. Then, sudenly the water goes away with loud noise … gluuup.Removed toilete, everything is clean, water path is ok at the toilete and at the floor. The drain can accepts gallons of water without complain, it drains ok.Noticed that the time required to the water tank to go empty is almost the double (6 to 8 seconds) than the other toilete that works well.Clean all the orifices inside the toilete that feed water to the bowl. Some were really clogged. Used chroline to final cleanning, then flow got a little speedy, but problem still 40% of the times.Valve at the base of the tank works pretty well, but water flow speed is not ok.When toilete doesnt take water away, dropping watter from a single glass 3 ft high from the toilete, helps it and initiate a gluuup taking all the water away, with finals gloop gloop sounds.Somebody already said about air vents at the pipes… I dont know how to check it.We dont have any other plmb problems, showers and faucets draining ok.Thank you for any help.

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