reliance hot water heaters

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    • #274334
      Avatar photojomeister

        how can i get paper work on a reliance hot water heater. medel#
        5302srs4. so i can make sure it is hooked up wright.

      • #289564
        Avatar photofourth year

          There is nothing unique about a Reliance water heater. They hook up the same as all other storage water heaters. Cold water into the right side, hot water out the left side, electric to the “J” box on top, or gas to the control on the bottom. Why do you think yours is connected wrong?

        • #289565
          Avatar photojkillo2970

            i live in a big house and it is split up into to appartments. I don’t think one of the hot water heaters is conected. if it is not hoocked up how do i make sure i conect it wright. my email is.

            [email protected]

            please help thank you. joe killo

          • #289566
            Avatar photojkillo2970

              I live in a big house that is split into to appartments & it has seperate hot water heaters. and i think only one is hooked up. how do i conect the other one up correctly. thank you. my email is.

              [email protected]

            • #289567
              Avatar photofourth year

                If it is not hooked up, you will want to have a plumber connect it so he can be sure that the ventilation, flue, and gas is large enough for two heaters, and that they are connected to give the maximum hot water to the apartments. If it is hooked up and not giving enough hot water, you need him to do the sames things to see if it is working properly.

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